Getting the right gear
MSUK Standard Helmet
For Motorsport UK race meetings and practicing at Bayford Meadows, motorcycle helmets are not acceptable.
Helmets that are accepted in karting for drivers under the age of 15 years old should weigh no more than 1,550g and are coded.
Helmets that are accepted in karting for drivers over the age of 15 years old are coded.
- FIA 8860-2010
- FIA 8859-2015
- FIA 8860-2018
- FIA 8860-2018-ABP
- SNELL SA2015 (Not valid after 31/12/26)
- SNELL 2020
- SNELL K2015
Fit and Security
To ensure satisfactory fit and security of your helmet, proceed as follows:
- Obtain correct size by measuring the crown of your head.
- Check that there is no side-to-side movement; a helmet should be as closely fitting as possible consistent with comfort.
- Tighten straps securely – the chin strap must be under tension at all times; ensure therefore that the strap cannot slip.
- With head forward attempt to pull up the back of the helmet, to ensure the helmet cannot be removed in this way.
- Ensure you can see clearly over each shoulder.
- Make sure nothing impedes your breathing in the helmet and never cover your nose or mouth other than with a flame-resistant balaclava or face mask.
- Never wear a scarf, tie or other loose clothing which could come loose and possibly cause an accident.
- Ensure that the visor can be opened with one gloved hand.
- Satisfy yourself that the back of the helmet provides protection for your neck.
- Do not buy from mail order unless you can satisfactorily carry out the above checks; return a helmet unused if it does not fit.
Condition and Care of Helmet
- The user himself must bear the prime responsibility for ensuring that his helmet is fit for the purpose intended, since significant damage to the helmet may have been sustained without this being apparent to the scrutineer.
- Anything other than minor superficial damage is likely to result in the scrutineer removing the MSA/Motorsport UK sticker and impounding the helmet for the event.
- It is in everyone’s interest for the competitor to buy the best helmet he/she can and to look after it (the best is not necessarily the most expensive). A helmet bag should always be used.
- There must be no alteration to the structure of a helmet. Fitment of cameras to helmets by whatever means is not permitted unless an integral camera is provided by the helmet manufacturer and that model of helmet is approved under one of the accepted standards.
- Use only a weak solution of soft soap and water to clean the interior and exterior of the helmet; do not get the interior too wet.
- Some moulded plastic helmets although they meet approved standards can be seriously damaged by substances such as petrol, paint, adhesives, cleaning agents and stickers (not the MSA/Motorsport UK stickers) – such damage may not always be apparent; however, crazing, or obvious dulling of the surface finish could indicate serious structural weakening of the helmet.
- The helmet should be stored, preferably in a helmet bag, in a cool dry place away from sunlight when not in use. Do not allow unrestrained movement which could cause the helmet to be damaged.
- A good helmet, properly cared for, is one very important link in a long chain of safety measures. Do not allow it to become the weak link. Do not rely on others. You are responsible for your own safety. Do not, through your own fault, become a grave burden to others.
Race Suit
In karting only suits with a recognized CIK homologation standard are acceptable, which is No2001-1 or No 2013-1, level 1 or 2, or those to FIA Standard 8877-2022 Grade 1 or 2.
When buying a race suit ensure that it fits comfortably, and it doesn’t restrict any movement especially around the arms and shoulders. The suits arms should be long enough to cover your wrists and the suits legs long enough to cover your ankles when in a sitting position.
Gloves and Race Boots
Complete gloves (not mitts or gloves with open backs) and boots (which must cover and protect the ankle) must be worn at all times.
Gloves need to be tight fitting with flexability to ensure you get a good feel of the steering wheel while still offering appropriate protection. It is important to keep your gloves clean as any oil or grease can reduce the grip level.
For wet weather racing it is recommend to buy a pair of waterproof/ water resistance gloves to help keep hands warm and dry. Also a pair of thermal gloves to wear under your normal pair in the cold months to keep your hands warm.
Race boots compared to trainers have thinner soles which gives the drivers more feel of the pedals, which gives drivers better throttle and brake reponse. The imporant part of the karting racing boots is they need to have padded ankle cover which procects your ankles against impact.
Other Important Gear
Neck Brace – A decent neck brace works by restricting head movement during an impact which means that the risk on neck injurys is reduced.
Rib Protector – Taking kerbs, movement in the seat, impact and body wear and tear can cause injury to the ribs which can be quiet painful. A rib protector is recommend to help you prevent injury and can help you fit more comfortably in the seat.
WetSuit – If you would like to stay dry during a wet race we would recommend purchasing a wetsuit to wear over your normal race suit. Correctly fitted wet suits, specifically designed for this purpose, may be worn over an approved kart suit
Recommended Retailers
Dartford Karting :
Demon Tweeks:
Kart Parts UK: